

Last Friday, my husband and I invited several friends over for Fajitas (probably my favorite meal). It was my birthday, but to be completely honest, birthday parties tend to embarrass me. I love to spend time with people I care about, but I don’t like the attention focused on me. So, it wasn’t really meant to be a birthday party, just a get together.

My girlfriend, Tracy, said she wanted to bring cake because she knew it was my birthday. As she was talking about cake decorating classes back in high school and piping icing, all I could invision in my mind was a big, bright cake with balloons and blazing candles (too many to count!) ~ total embarrassment! LOL! Of course, this is my mind playing tricks on me and not really thinking about how Tracy is really a classy chick. She wouldn’t do that to me, especially when I was so nice to her on her milestone birthday back in the fall.

WOWZA ~  when she took the dome off the cake, it was blissful! I can’t tell you what kind of cake it is because in our town those kinds of secrets go to the grave with you. But, you’ll have to trust me, it was the best thing I have tasted in a long, long time.

 I always wondered about decorating with the real flowers. I had seen it before, of course, but how do they do it. So, here is what I discovered: When I pulled the flowers off the cake to cut it, the stems had been completely removed and replaced with a toothpick. DUH! That allows you to stick the flowers in and position them any which way. Cool trick!

Tracy, thanks for making my day extra special. I appreciate the time and effort you put into this beautiful gift.

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